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Application IT Convergence LED Lighting
Location Round Rock City in TEXAS , USA
Light source META-Whistle, SPES-SETA
Lighting support GigaTera Technical T
This test installation marks the first installation case of smart street lighting in the United States with built-in CCTV, wireless telecommunications functions, integrated converged street lighting and a road warning system rolled into one. The test installation was performed in two locations. The *META-Whistle, that comes equipped with built-in ‘road warning solutions’ was installed along a section of main road at Double Creek Drive and Forest Creek Drive. Near the Round Rock Police Department a ‘Safety Exchange Zone’ was created that includes the installation of the SPES-SETA product, a ‘road control solution’ that wirelessly transmits surveillance acquired using high definition footage and a network. This test installation created the opportunity to carry out a simulation demonstrating for the ease of mobility for an emergency vehicle after the installation of the META-Whistle product compared to the mobility possible before the installation. Also, via a linkup between the SPES-SETA product installed near the police station and the SPES AirLink, a system could be built for the 24 hour monitoring of not only City Hall, but also the interior of the police station.

We look forward to the installation of converged street lighting, which can ensure the safety of residents being installed in more and more locations in the future. GigaTera used this test installation case to present a new alternative and to present standards in road lighting. The project was significant in that despite the rather short period of implementation the stakeholders and residents were immensely satisfied. This installation case was carried out through the collaboration of 3 entities, GigaTera, PlanLED, and Opterra (ESCO).

* META-Whistle
In the instance of road emergencies, the highly efficient street lighting, META goes into emergency mode. The road warning system that is integrated into the street lighting displays a red color signal in the shape of a whistle to visually alert drivers and pedestrians of road incidents. With this system, sending out a warning about a primary accident can prevent secondary accidents.